Stokes Easter 2011
Easter is by far my most favorite holiday. There isn’t all the pressure of gifts and there is nothing more awesome than Jesus’ death and resurrection! With the smell of spring in the air, the children are anxious to get outside after months of being stuck indoors. Sunday mornings are always a hectic time in our house, but this Easter morning allowed for our traditional impromptu photo shoot. Forget trying to photograph children when they first wake up, feed then photograph. Lesson learned.
Every year, my father writes clues for me and my two younger adult brothers. This is a tradition I can’t wait to continue with my children. But since they are just learning to read, we will focus on simple easter egg hunts and playing with aunts and uncles. They are so blessed to be so loved. AJ and Riv shared an adorable brother-sister moment after breakfast on the farm. AJ tried to plant one on Rivy, but she was playing hard to get.