Wausau Area Wisconsin Wedding Photographers
Katie and I wanted to wish all our couples a Happy Valentines Day! We’re so very blessed to have each other and we’re wishing you all the best as you plan the day you start your journey as Husband & Wife. After 7 years of marriage, and 6 years of photographing weddings together, we have learned to appreciate the small-unplanned surprises in life. Not everything goes exactly as we envision and rarely do things go according to plan, but at the end of the day we have each other. That is what counts. We have each other’s side, back, front and everything in between. I couldn’t have planned a more meaningful life than the one God has created for us. We are grateful for every blessing our imperfect love has allowed: our children, our businesses, our home, our friends, our family, and the clients who make it all possible.
Valentine’s Day’s origin is a complicated one woven in myth and romanticism & I’m not sure anyone knows for certain of how it all came to be, but I am reminded of a love that gives sacrificially, a love that sees no lines in the sand, a love that serves even when tired, a love that takes out the trash in subzero temperatures, a love that risks life and limb to find the right cold medicine at 3:00 am, a love that cleans messes and doesn’t point them out, a love that gives up everything! I am fortunate enough to have known this love and know this love daily and on this fact alone – I count myself a rich man.
When the flowers, chocolates, dinners, & love letters fade, what will you have? According to one of our favorites movies, Moulin Rouge!
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return.”
There is some solid truth to that and one that comes with a nostalgic melody that often causes us to break out into song. This Holiday may your gifts to one another exceed monetary value and extend far beyond today and your wedding day, may it continue to influence your life and the lives of others, may it transcend this generation and continue into the next. Love is our greatest adventure!

© The McCartneys