Connor | Newborn
North Central Wisconsin Senior & Portrait Photographers James & Katie Stokes Located in Medford, Wisconsin // Family Photos
Aemus & Emily introduced their twins, Haven and Cason, in 2015 as miracle babies. After multiple fertility attempts, they finally had success with invitro-fertilization. The last 21 months have been filled with many memorable moments raising twins. Unfortunately, they’ve come to a large bump in the road. They recently found out that their son, Cason, has quite the fight ahead of him! Cason has been diagnosed with a very aggressive localized malignant tumor. He and his wild-haired sister are their everything! This will be a long process for their little man and their family as he undergoes his very invasive surgery on October 17th at the UW Children’s Hospital. Everyone’s complete faith, support, and the power of prayer will carry him and their family through this most difficult time. We pray for God’s loving touch, the Doctors steady hands, good health, and a speedy recovery!
2014 was filled with beautiful families, children, and babies! We had the opportunity to capture family portraits throughout Central Wisconsin and even photographed a sweet family from Central Utah. We photographed many new faces and watched as some of our 2013 Newborns became toddlers! Our hearts are full and we cannot wait to meet many more beautiful families in 2015.
If there is one thing we have learned from being parents, it is that life is messy.
But within the chaos and unpredictability of life, there is beauty in the imperfection. We have to be very intentional about living in the moment, breathing – taking it all in. In a second, the day is gone and routine pushes us along like some perpetual rollercoaster. Silence, a rare gift, and one we don’t find often, but certainly cherish when we are blessed with it. On occasion we will fill it with the sound of a shutter in an attempt to slow the train of fleeting moments we so desperately cling to. While we live them day in and day out, I know we will look back and wonder where those little faces went and think how did we do it? The answer will always be by God’s most amazing grace!
Grace. That place we want to live, yet struggle to find the air necessary to breathe a sigh of thankfulness. Pray. Our daily walk to live closer to our Heavenly Father asking that he would continue to direct us on his path. Faith. Believing that through all the challenges and failures that lie ahead and behind us, God is, was, and always will be there looking out for out eternal good.
Our daughter came into the world in a hurry; something tells us that she will be living up to her name. She was longed for and is so full of life and light. God is gracious. We have truly enjoyed this first week of Eveline’s life and are very much looking forward to all the sweet memories we will make together, Lord willing.
Time is so very precious. We are learning how to be stewards of all we have been given, especially our children. Katie and I are still in awe of how God answers prayers and not just our own. So often we forget to write down all the ways that God has shown Himself to us through His word and answered prayers.
God gave us a daughter
She is healthy
Mom is healthy
Our hearts are not anxious
We want for nothing
God has governed our time and schedule
God has given us opportunities to share the Gospel
He forgives us
He fights for us in our defense
He is patient in showing us our sin
He is fostering relationships we have yearned for
Our children love Jesus
Our hearts are full
My uncle is alive
Gracious clients
Loving relationships
Season filled with remarkable clients
This list should and could continue for pages, all undeserved gifs. We are eternally grateful. Truly blessed and not because we deserve it.
Wisconsin Family Photographers